- On December 4, 2021
2021 Annual Meeting – Stanley S Complex – Dec. 4 @ 11AM
On December 5, 2021 | 11 amOpen to NWLA members and the general public as an opportunity to learn about property rights, wind, and pore space. The Annual Meeting is free to NWLA members and $20 for non-members; with lunch included. Registration begins at 10:30AM. Agenda attached below.
NWLA Summer Education Tour
Join us during any of the 6 meetings during the week of Aug. 2. Topics of Discussion ● Landowner rights in pore space (including updates on and discussion of pore space litigation and recent legislation on gas storage) ● Wind development, wind leasing, and landowner groups ● Landowner compensation for energy development (pipelines, well pads,… Read more »
Summer Education Tour
NWLA Summer Education Tour
NWLA WINS Pore Space Lawsuit!
Immediate Press Release – NWLA Press Conference 1.21.21
Rural Community Grant Foundation awards NWLA $10,000 grant
Farm Credit Services of North Dakota is proud to announce that it has awarded the Northwest Landowners Foundation $10,000 as a recipient of the Rural Community Grant Fund (RCGF). The grant funds will help them with technology upgrades. “Farm Credit is proud to provide grant funds to help them provide more virtual learning, advocacy and… Read more »
NWLA active in Mountrail Co. comprehensive Planning
Today NWLA board members attended the Mountrail County Comprehensive Planning Meeting You are able to view all documents relating to the Mountrail County Comprehensive Plan here: http://www.co.mountrail.nd.us/subpage/42 http://www.co.mountrail.nd.us/Documents/Uploads/2030-Mountrail-County-Comprehensive-Plan.pdf
Mountrail Co. Comprehensive Draft Plan Meeting
The Draft Comprehensive Plan is now available for review and comment. Please visit the following web page to find the document, along with the associated maps – http://www.co.mountrail.nd.us/subpage/42 The Draft Plan is scheduled to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission Monday August 24, 2020 (meeting begins 8:30 am).
NWLA investing in ND Ag Coalition
On March 12, 2020NWLA Board Members attended the North Dakota Ag Coalition Meeting in Bismarck today. Discussion about US fish and wildlife, next legislative session, the voice of agriculture for the future, and many many other topics were on the agenda.