David King, Kenmare
[bg_collapse view="link" color="#4a4949" icon="arrow" expand_text="Read Bio" collapse_text="Close" ] David is the Vice Chairman of the ND Landowners Association and has served on the Board of Directors since 2009.
David and his wife Stephanie live in rural Kenmare, ND and are 4th Generation farmers in Mountrail and Ward Counties near Coulee, ND. David started farming over 40 years ago with his dad and brother. After his dad's passing a partnership was formed with his brother. They have two children; son Jacob, and daughter Saundra (Jesse).
David attended Dickinson State University, ND in Agriculture and Business, and then attended the ND State College of Science in Wahpeton, ND for Welding.
David has been very proactive in his community and state:
Mountrail County FSA Board for 12 years (past)
Ward and Mountrail County Assessor (past)
Kenmare School Board for 15 years, 1997-2011, President from 2004-2011.
NW Director ND State School Board 2005-2009; and Vice-President from 2010-2011.
Pathfinders Board of Minot, ND for 12 years representing children in Ward County with learning disabilities and other disabilities; received their leadership award in 2013. (past)
Treasurer of Baden Township Board (present)
Trustee of St. Agnes Church Board. (present)[/bg_collapse]